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Presenting your Mirage Villa for Sale is Key

When it comes time to sell your Port Douglas Sheraton Mirage Villa, there is simply no more important factor than getting the presentation 100% correct.

You really only get one chance to maximise the sales price and it is well proven the best result is normally achieved within the first months of listing... "the end price is directly related to the amount of time on the market."

Your first impression that you provide a Buyer should be a lasting one.

Prior to any marketing occurring of your Mirage Villa you should ensure the property looks as good as it possibly can be.  

This can involve a trip to the dump or storage facility, changing light bulbs, or it may mean getting the paint brush out... whatever the case may be we will discuss this with you in the consultation stage and offer some proven suggestions.

By eliminating as many negatives about a villa as you can you are essentially eliminating buying objections and thus are likely to be creating a winning first impression. When Buyers see things they need to spend money on they immediately over-value repair costs and this typically results in a lower offer being presented.

Your Mirage villa needs to stand out in a crowd...

Once you have done the hard work and your property is ready it is time to look at who is most likely going to buy. Being a small area with a small population it is highly probable that the Buyer will be coming from somewhere else... it is then fair to suggest they are searching the internet for the right villa.

When you search for property in this region you will find that there are a massive amount of properties and opportunities available. Therefore you need to not only stand out but to JUMP off the page. You need the best possible photographs and presentation tools available. We would recommend a combination of professional photographs, interactive floor plans and property walk-throughs for every Mirage Villa. 

But just as every property is different so is every Seller and their situation. We will discuss all the options available and then together sit down and select the best way forward for you and in the most cost effective way. It is essential in every listing that prior to going live that all the work is done and we are ready for the initial enquiry as this is normally the best enquiry...